A Centre of Excellence for Reflexology Training and Treatment


Nicola Hall, Director of The Bayly School of Reflexology, primarily offers courses in Worcestershire.

Courses are also run on behalf of The Bayly School at other locations. Although the course format and fees may vary slightly, all lead to a Bayly School of Reflexology Practitioner Diploma.

Courses are currently available at the venues listed below, and more venues may be added in the coming months.

England – WorcestershireNicola Hallinfo@baylyreflexology.co.uk www.baylyreflexology.co.uk
Scotland – Gourock & GlasgowJudy Leslie-Cartertherapiaschool@gmail.comwww.therapiaschool.co.uk
Japan – TokyoKazuko Makinokazuko.makino@hotmail.co.jp-
Switzerland – LausanneNoelle Weyenethnoelle.weyeneth@bluewin.chwww.ecolebayly.ch

For more information about course venues, please call 01886 821207 or email us at info@baylyreflexology.co.uk.

If you need accommodation to attend a course at the Worcestershire venue then the following are some recommendations:
Huntlands Farm b&b, Whitbourne (very close)  www.huntlandsfarm.co.uk
The Talbot at Knightwick (about 1 miles away)  www.the-talbot.co.uk
he Admiral Rodney, Berrow Green (about 3 miles away)  www.admiral-rodney.co.uk
The Bank House hotel, spa and golf club (about 6 miles away)   www.bankhouseworcester.com
Premier Inn Worcester City Centre (about 8 miles away)  www.premierinn.com

Sometimes contacting them direct may mean you get a better rate than shown on their website – always mention you are attending a course at the Bayly School.